
There are many ways to fund hearing loops and other assistive listening systems, including individual contributions, campaigns, grants, regular budgets, etc. What have others done?

Approach. Different ways to think about the assistive listening system:

  • Deeply think about what accessibility means and the organization’s commitment towards inclusion.

Save money with hearing loops

  • Many sites have saved money because they installed a hearing loop during a remodel, new build, or when replacing tile, carpet, or other flooring.
  • Use quality hearing loop installers who have a proven track record and meet international IEC standards for hearing loops.

New buildings

  • Similar to including a ramp for wheelchairs in a new building budget…include a hearing loop as part of a new building budget. Then the hearing loop is “part” of the building and not an “add on.”
  • Include a hearing loop as part of a new bond for a new building, such as for libraries. 

State funds

Tax incentives

  • IRS Tax Credits and Deductions. The tax deduction is available to all businesses up to $15,000 per year. To assist businesses with complying with the ADA, Section 44 of the IRS Code allows a tax credit for small businesses and Section 190 of the IRS Code allows a tax deduction for all businesses. ADA Quick Tips – Tax Incentives

Tax funds

  • Oregon: Travel Lane County is providing hotels, attractions, and venues with hearing loops at a fraction of the cost.



Templates and Examples

Emmanuel Church invited friends and family to join in a fund raising dinner for their hearing loop system. The food and fun was enjoyed by all and raised over $1500. Facebook graphic is below

Can you hear me now
Fundraising dinner for sound system
September 28 at 6 pm
At the top of the graphic are the church symbols

Personal appeal letter (1 page, docx). To download, right-click and select Save Link As…)

Invitation to event to learn more (1 page, docx). To download, right-click and select Save Link As…)


Hometown Grant Program: Revitalizing Small Towns | T-Mobile

Perhaps you know a town that needs a hearing loop?

Possibly, funds could be used for hearing loops in places like community centers, theaters, senior centers, arts spaces, and so on. Requirements:

  • Small towns only (50,000 people or fewer)
  • Projects must “foster local connections, like technology upgrades, outdoor spaces, the arts, and community centers.”
  • Elected officials, town managers/employees, tribal leaders, or nonprofit community leaders can apply.

The Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) is the only federal program exclusively for libraries. It is administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). State libraries use the funds to support statewide initiatives and also distribute the funds through subgrants or cooperative agreements to public, school, academic, research, and special libraries. There is a requirement for a state match, which helps stimulate approximately three to four dollars for every federal dollar invested.

The AARP Community Challenge grant program is part of the nationwide AARP Livable Communities initiative that helps communities become great places to live for residents of all ages. The program is intended to help communities make immediate improvements and jump-start long-term progress in support of residents of all ages.