Grocery Stores and Supermarkets

Springfield Grocery, Springfield, Oregon. Courtesy Contacta

Springfield Grocery, Springfield, Oregon.
Photo courtesy Alan Anttila, Hearing Support Solutions LLC

Yes, grocery shopping is work !  But it can also be an enjoyable, social experience if you engage in casual chit-chat with a friendly checker. However, grocery stores are also bustling and noisy and it can be difficult to hear at check-out stands. Being able to visit with the grocery clerk is one of those small but meaningful ways to connect with people, to honor their role in efficiently tallying up your totals, and to add enjoyment and human connection to your own shopping experience.

Possible Assistive Listening System Locations

  • Bakery, checkouts, deli, floral, pharmacy
  • Customer service desks
  • Community rooms

Example: Springfield Grocery Outlet

Springfield Oregon, Grocery Outlet. Counter at checkout stand, with flowchart (PDF) showing how to use the hearing loop with and without telecoils

Springfield Grocery Outlet brings hearing accessibility with Telecoil Loop Systems at all registers! (video, 3 minutes)

Resources from Springfield Grocery Outlet
