Templates - Sites (Owners/Operators)
Templates can save you time—all you need to do is add your details and adapt them to fit your needs.
More will be coming soon! If you need something in the meantime, please email us. There’s no sense in reinventing the wheel.
Disability Language Style Guide, National Center on Disability and Journalism (webpage). As language, perceptions and social norms change rapidly, it is becoming increasingly difficult for journalists and other communicators to figure out how to refer to people with disabilities. This style guide, which covers dozens of words and terms commonly used when referring to disability, can help. (webpage)
Good language
- People with hearing loss
- Patrons with hearing loss
Person-first language. The goal of person-first language—to avoid language that dehumanizes or stigmatizes people.
INCLUSION #inclusion #InclusiveDesign #communication #ItDoesMatter
ASSISTIVE LISTENING SYSTEMS #hearingloop #telecoil #assistivetechnology #advocacy #hearingclarity #acoustics #hearingloopshelp #WhereILoop
ADA #ADA #effectivecommunications #accessibility #adacompliance #Advocacy #IWill
HEARING LOSS #betterhearing #hearingloss #hearingaids #hearinglossawareness #hearinglossjourney #HardOfHearing #HearingLossSupport #HearBetterLiveBetter
DISABILITY #disability #disabilities #DisabilityAwareness #DisabilityRightsAreHumanRights #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #DifferentlyAbled #RemoveTheAsk #DisabilityResearch #PwD
LEARNING/EDUCATION #education #community #conference #networking #learningandgrowing
AUDIOLOGY/HEARING INSTRUMENT SPECIALISTS #audiology #audiologists #audiologist #aud #aud2be #IHSHear4U #aud2b #bestpractice #stayconnectedwithlife (IHS promotion)
SOUND #reverberation #buildingacoustics #SoundLevel #NoiseLevel #AcousticService #acousticsolutions #acousticpanels #roomtreatment #backgroundnoise
Hearing Loss Increases with Age (1 slide, .pptx) Right click and select “save as”
When an elevator is installed, no one asks why it is needed or how to use it. In comparison, when an Assistive Listening System (ALS) is installed, almost everyone will say, “Huh?”
Download Promoting Your Assistive Listening System, with Checklist (2 pages, pdf)
Graphics A variety of formats for hearing loops, FM, and infrared (this website)
- We have a hearing loop (3 slide options, .pptx) Right click and then select “save as”
- We have an FM/IR system (3 slide options, .pptx) Right click and then select “save as”
We have a hearing loop. One-third page template (1 page, .docx) Right click and select “save as”
HEAR HERE, postcard, HLAA (front/back, pdf)
Currently under revision. Please email us if you have an immediate need.
Example of a Policy and Procedure for Providing Auxiliary Aids for Persons with Disabilities. US Department of Health and Human Services (webpage)
“(iii) For the following auxiliary aids and services, staff will contact (responsible staff person or position and telephone number), who is responsible to provide the aids and services in a timely manner:
Note-takers; computer-aided transcription services; telephone handset amplifiers; written copies of oral announcements; assistive listening devices; assistive listening systems; telephones compatible with hearing aids; closed caption decoders; open and closed captioning; telecommunications devices for deaf persons (TDDs); videotext displays; or other effective methods that help make aurally delivered materials available to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.”