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(3 pages) Representatives from 15 countries passed a resolution that hearing loops provide a universal system and recommendations, including integrating telecoils. 2009. The first international conference on hearing loops for …
(4 pages) National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). Recommendations for interoperability, public awareness, effective communication, and building specs “Community-based organizations, advocacy organizations, employers, private sector businesses, and government …
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(1 page) The hearing technologies for hard of hearing persons conference had a special focus on hearing accessibility in large venues. “the Telecoil has to be included and activated in …
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(1 page) IFHOH (International Federation of Hard of Hearing People) World Congress in Budapest, regarding telecoils and Auracast “As a new technology, Auracast will take time to become stable, reliable, …
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(13 pages) 13 organizations submitted comments for the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Establishing Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids. “HLAA and the undersigned organizations recommend the FDA require …
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2022 Too Many People with Hearing Loss Miss Out
(2 pages) Did you know your clients must have telecoils in their hearing devices to use ADA mandated assistive listening technology effectively?