Hearing Loop Manufacturers
A variety of established European and mostly new American manufacturers are designing and marketing hearing loop amplifiers for a wide variety of installations, from home TV rooms to taxi back seats and ticket windows to cathedrals.
The Center for Hearing Access cannot identify all firms that sells hearing loop products, nor can it evaluate the quality of their products or services.
Hearing Loop Installers
For a state-by-state list of hearing loop installers, who also include equipment, checkout the hearing loop installer webpage, with resources, best practices, and international standards. (this website)
Hearing Loop Equipment Manufacturers
Many of the following companies can direct you to recommended designers and installers of their products. Many of these belong to the International Hearing Loop Manufacturers Association (IHLMA) and are, therefore, pledged to its high quality standards. Contact IHLMA for recommendations.
- AB Transistor*, a Swedish inventor and manufacturer of T-SIGN, which makes it easy to verify the function of the hearing loop system.
- Ampetronic**, a British company whose hearing loop products are in use worldwide [can recommend installers]
- Audio Directions, a New Jersey-based American manufacturer [can recommend installers]
- Bo Edin**, a Swedish hearing loop manufacturer of Univox whose hearing loop products are in use worldwide. Sold through US distributor NHT Sales [can recommend installers]
- Contacta Inc.#, American hearing loop manufacturer whose hearing loop products are in use worldwide [can recommend installers]
- inLOOP, Ohio-based American manufacturer
- Listen Technologies, Utah-based American manufacturer [can recommend installers]
- LoopAmerica, Michigan-based American manufacturer [can recommend installers]
- Oval Window Audio, Colorado-based American manufacturer [can recommend dealers and installers]
- WilliamsAV**, Minnesota-based American manufacturer [can recommend installers]
*Associate IHLMA member
**IHLMA member
#Is a subsidiary of Contacta who is an IHLMA member
Portable Counter Hearing Loops (1:1 applications)
- Audio Directions, Portable Loop
- Contacta, Inc., Portable InfoLoop
- Univox SmartLoop, sold through US distributor NHT Sales
- WilliamsAV, Counter Loop PLA 90
Temporary Hearing Loops (1:many applications)
Designing the layout is key for good sound no matter where someone sits.
- Contacta, Inc., Portable Large Area Loop – PLALS-V. Versatile room sizes
- Oval Window Audio, Satellite III, two versions: up to 3,906 ft² and a second for larger spaces
- WilliamsAV, Digi-Loop 104, spaces up to 919 ft²
Hearing Loops for Smaller Rooms (Home TV, Chairs/Sofa, Vehicles, and Smaller Meeting Rooms)
Description, information, “how to” guides is available. Hearing loops in home TV rooms (this website)
American companies whose business focus includes home hearing loop products and services include:
- Audio Directions. Several products: Portable Loop, Loop Cushion, Loop Pad
- Contacta, Inc.: LA-240 Hearing Loop System and HLD3 Home Loop Kit
- LoopAmerica. Several products: Autoloop 2.0 (room size up to 50 m²/~538 ft²), Sofa loop, Univox CLS-1 Room Loop Kit (room size up to 550 ft²), loop pad
- OTOjOY, Univox Autoloop 2.0, incl. room loop, loop pad and audio cable (room size up to 50 m²/~538 ft²)
- Oval Window Audio, Microloop Basic (room size up to 225 ft²)
Catalogs and stores that sell hearing loop receivers, headphones, and portable hearing loops (this website)