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Enabling Telecoils (4×6 postcard)

Postcard for patients to give to their audiologist. I need help with telecoils! Please advise me if my hearing instruments (hearing aid, cochlear implant, or bone conductive device) have telecoils. If they do, please activate and program them to use with an FM, infrared, or hearing loop assistive listening system (ALS). If I don’t have

Enabling Telecoils (4×6 postcard) Read More »

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How hearing loop works with hearing aid and implant

(1 page) When explaining to “hearing” business people (Rotaries, Chambers of Commerce), this sheet helps to explain the simplicity of a counter hearing loop. Describing the invisible, somewhat magical, process can’t be seen but profoundly enhances hearing accessibility.” As advocates for this powerful, and empowering, tool everyone needs to be able to describe the essential,

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2025 NASEM Meaningful Outcome Measures in Adult Hearing Health Care

(In-progress) Adult hearing health care lacks standard outcome measures that are related in meaningful ways to the individual’s perception of their functional abilities and the impact their hearing difficulties have on their quality of life. The committee will determine a core set of existing standard outcome measures, define the core outcome domains (including hearing, communication,

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2016 NASEM Hearing Health Care for Adults: Priorities for Improving Access and Affordability.

(4 pages) National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). Recommendations for interoperability, public awareness, effective communication, and building specs “Community-based organizations, advocacy organizations, employers, private sector businesses, and government agencies (local, state, federal) should promote work and community environments that are conducive to effective communication and that support individuals with hearing loss. Specifically, they

2016 NASEM Hearing Health Care for Adults: Priorities for Improving Access and Affordability. Read More »

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2022 Budapest Declaration

(1 page) IFHOH (International Federation of Hard of Hearing People) World Congress in Budapest, regarding telecoils and Auracast “As a new technology, Auracast will take time to become stable, reliable, and easy enough to use for potential users. Therefore, it is important to have both telecoil and Auracast technologies in hearing aids and cochlear implants…

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2009 Winterthur Resolution

(3 pages) Representatives from 15 countries passed a resolution that hearing loops provide a universal system and recommendations, including integrating telecoils. 2009. The first international conference on hearing loops for people with hearing loss – with participants from 15 countries. They passed the following resolution at Zurich University of Applied Sciences at Winterthur / Switzerland

2009 Winterthur Resolution Read More »