130 KB
Assistive Listening System Quick Guide
Easily compare 5 assistive listening systems. Choosing an assistive listening system can be confusing (1 page)
312 KB
Promoting Your ALS
When an elevator is installed, no one asks why it is needed or how to use it. In comparison, when an Assistive Listening System (ALS) is installed, almost everyone will say, “Huh?” (2 pages)
120 KB
TEDx Talk Discussion Guide
Watching this short TEDx Oshkosh video as a group: “What you don’t Know about Hearing Aids” is a good way to share experiences, shift your perspectives, and discover new ideas. (1 page)
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The Future: Auracast broadcast audio used as an ALS
What is needed for Auracast broadcast audio used as an ALS to be available and usable? (2 pages)