Declarations and Strategic Documents

combined image: Telecoil and Bluetooth and Auracast

Since 2009 (15 years ago), national and international groups have written proclamations and documents about the criticality of including BOTH telecoils and Bluetooth.

It’s not an optional feature, nor a choice between. Each has its own functionality. Users need BOTH.

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(2 pages) Give your patients the best possible hearing advantage by helping them easily connect to ALS in public venues. …
(In-progress) Adult hearing health care lacks standard outcome measures that are related in meaningful ways to the individual’s perception of …
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(2 pages) Patients need Bluetooth and telecoils. Many patients miss out because their audiologist didn’t educate them about using telecoils. …
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(2 pages) Did you know your clients must have telecoils in their hearing devices to use ADA mandated assistive listening …
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(13 pages) 13 organizations submitted comments for the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Establishing Over-the-Counter Hearing …
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(1 page) IFHOH (International Federation of Hard of Hearing People) World Congress in Budapest, regarding telecoils and Auracast “As a …