Hearing Loop Equipment-Portable and Small Area Uses

A variety of European and American manufacturers are designing and marketing hearing loop drivers for a wide variety of installations, including versatile portable uses, home TV rooms, and temporary hearing loops.

The Center for Hearing Access cannot identify all firms that sells hearing loop products, nor can it evaluate the quality of their products or services.

Audio Directions Counter Hearing loop sitting on counter with microphone,
Audio Directions Portable Hearing Loop
Contacta Portable Hearing Loop
Sarabec Counter Hearing Loop
Sarabec Portable Hearing Loop
Univox Portable Hearing Loop
Univox Portable Hearing Loop

Portable Counter Hearing Loops (1:1 applications)

See photos of portable counter hearing loops

Hearing Loops for Smaller Rooms (Home TV, Chairs/Sofa, Vehicles, and Smaller Meeting Rooms)

Description, information, “how to” guides is available. Hearing loops in home TV rooms (this website)

American companies whose business focus includes home hearing loop products and services include:

Temporary Hearing Loops (1:many applications)

Designing the layout is key for good sound no matter where someone sits.

  • Contacta, Inc., Portable Large Area Loop – PLALS-V. Versatile room sizes
  • Oval Window Audio, Satellite III, two versions: up to 3,906 ft² and a second for larger spaces
  • WilliamsAV, Digi-Loop 104, spaces up to 919 ft²


Catalogs and stores that sell hearing loop receivers, headphones, and portable hearing loops (this website)